Love the good vibes and optimistic clicks. Last night my husband wanted to show me these new backlights he got for the TV and put on this 4k nature video. We ended up getting sucked in and just watching a half hour of fish swimming around in coral reefs, zebras wandering around the savanna and monkeys hopping around treetops. I was just like, man this world is so cool and I'm glad I get to see it. I refuse to let all my happiness get drowned out by some talking heads on cable news even if it's a challenge!

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You're amazing 🙏. We need more of this.

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Nos, it's like you knew exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks for that. Things have been pretty grim in a lot of places lately, and it can be hard to step away and let joy prevail. Tonight I'm making root beer floats for myself and the kids. Yummy vanilla ice cream, happy bubbles, fun shaped straws. These small moments are so important.

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Joy is nourishment, and therefore, of the essence. We need it to soldier on while we're here, in this dimension, so dark and scary at times. In the end, we're all vulnerable and frail, so finding joy in our daily lives helps us to keep on going. Thank you for sharing this, Nos.

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Whoaaa this article is SO DANG REFRESHING. Like a nice cold fizzy drink after working in the heat. Thank you for this!! 💗

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I love this.—helpful in multiple ways. You make your writing easy to read. I can learn so much from you about how to structure and guide your reader to stay with. I tend to jump around. This was great.

I love this part:

"Drink your favorite tea and do nothing for 10 minutes.

Re-watch favorite, comfort movies."

I'm doing more of NOT DOING ANYTHING.

Thank you!

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Great stuff. And another thing. None of us can address every single issue, or even become familiar with them all. Even the most powerful leaders, armed with tons of people and resources, they cannot either. We have to know that.

If a person can pick _one_ topic they are passionate about and try to do something positive about that topic on a regular basis, that's really something remarkable. It's perhaps also the only reasonable way to be active.

The good vibes are needed to nourish us. Absolutely essential.

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I needed this—thank you! I’m trying to tune into my dog and the kids in my life who haven’t become too jaded and worn down by the world to immerse themselves fully in the moment, to play with abandon, to rest easily. It is inspirational and a reminder that our true nature is not fearful, angry, or numb. 🩵

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